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If people who are visiting to USA have diabetes and blood pressure from past few years. and they took an insurance that has Acute Onset of Pre-existing conditions, and later after few days if they got any issue related to diabetes or blood pressure, will the insurance cover???Also they will need to take insulin on regular basis, can the plan cover the medical expense?Plans considered: Safe Travel Elite, Patriot America PlusPlease do suggest a better plan


Visitors Protect is the only plan that offers coverage for pre-existing conditions for visitors, but it still cannot be known, expected, or routine treatment, so insulin and regular check ups would not be covered under any plan.

Patriot America Plus is recommended as it is a comprehensive plan and does offer the Acute onset of pre-existing conditions for ages under 70, but  if you would like to learn more about the acute onset of pre-existing conditions please click the hyperlink. You can run a quote in the Visitors to U.S.A. section of the website to see what plans are available.

If you have any additional questions please let us know.

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