Travel Insurance

Fencing Travel Insurance

Fencing Travel Insurance

What image jumps to your mind when you think of sword fighting? The swashbuckling Zorro? Perhaps the witty pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow? Or maybe, a professional like you might just think of your trade: Fencing!

Fencing demands discipline and hard work. Since fencing is a combat sport, safety is of the utmost importance. Hence, if you’re planning on participating in any fencing activities while on vacation, fencing travel insurance is a must.

This insurance will ensure financial security if you were to face an accident or injury while fencing. With the money aspect taken care of, you’ll be able to focus all your efforts on recovery.

Travel Insurance for Fencing

Due to the risks, taking necessary precautions and investing the quality equipment go a long way toward ensuring your safety. However, having a fencing travel insurance plan provides the needed monetary coverage when a serious injury does occur.

Basic travel insurance plans do not cover fencing. Take the time to find out if your current insurance plan has this coverage. If not, you will need to find a comprehensive replacement plan. You can always purchase an add-on plan to provide coverage for inherently risky activities.

Fencing travel insurance plans usually cover the expense of:

  • Treatment at hospitals, including intensive care, nursing services, diagnosis, surgery by a physician, etc.
  • Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation
  • Treatment necessary for someone you may have accidently injured during a fencing match

With a dependable fencing travel insurance plan to cover any eventualities, your fencing experience on vacation will become distinctly more stress-free and enjoyable.

Basics of Fencing Competition

Fencing is a sword combat sport that has been around for many decades. The International Fencing Federation (FIE) organizes tournaments for fencers from across the globe.

These tournaments, also known as the World Fencing Championships (WFC), are held every year; the first official tournament took place in Paris, France, in 1921.

A fencer’s weapons and gear indicate his or her level of experience. The epee, for example, is the fencing weapon used by beginners. Fencers who use the foil and saber wear a jacket, and on it, a coat called a lame; the lame acts as a target. Fencers using the epee do not wear a lame.

The goal of each bout is to score points by hitting the body of the opponent. Fencers using the epee can target the entire body, while more experienced fencers have specified targets.

Fencers have to use to the point of their swords to attack their opponent. Once it touches the specified area, the attack is valid. As with any combat sport, there are risks. To protect themselves from this risk, many fencers have invested in travel insurance for fencing.

Risks of Fencing

Since fencing is a combat sport, injuries will happen. These injuries are a result of overly enthusiastic fencers wanting to win at all costs. On occasion, too-forceful attacks can cause the sword to snap. Injuries because of a faulty technique are equally likely.

The FIE has done its best to ensure that fencers remain safe. The gear they provide is durable and can withstand 1600N of penetrating force. However, the primary cause of injury in fencing comes from the quick moments involved in attacking and evading.

Fencers learn specific sets of movements and train every day to perfect them. These movements have to be so precise that a mistake could lead to injury in the joints, tendons, or ligaments. Serious injuries such as a tear in the ACL can keep a fencer out of action for nearly a year or more. A mistake in positioning could also lead to labral tears in the hips.

These risks make travel insurance for fencing a must-have, particularly when you’re out in a foreign country, where the costs of immediate medical care will pile up before you realize what’s happening.

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